Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Part one: I hate you.

It took all of three minutes for me to figure out that I hate you. There you sit, yammering on at my boss about some new media drivel and why its going to be so important to me. It took me ten hours to put together my draft of next year's budget. I have justify the value of every penny I spend, grovel and plead to get a dime of travel or training approved, and there you are, talking nonsense about 'joining the conversation' and telling us that something my teenage son just found out about is going to change our business. This room is full of people; sales, product development, customer service, IT, quality assurance - if we can't show how the money that we scratch and beg for each quarter improves the company's bottom line, we're out on the street. You can't even explain how we measure what you want to do - there, you just tried to tell us that its so damn special it can't be measured.

I wont pretend to understand what you are trying to sell me on, but if I ignore you long enough and throw enough roadblocks in your path, you will probably go away.

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